Monday, November 8, 2010
My Top Fives: round 1
I have decided to contribute to the ever-so-wonderful cause of High Fidelity-style top five lists. For the sake of my own sanity and indecisiveness, I reserve the right to edit these at any time. I will contribute my first list in about twenty minutes. If I don't go to the 7/11 and get a Dr. Pepper, I may die. To be continued...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
I needs moneys
I'm poor. That's an understatement. Unfortunately for my GF and myself, this mid-twenties poverty will only transition into early-thirties poverty and then mid-thirties poverty and so on and so on. The upside to this financial situation is that I sleep at night. I can rest my oversized head on my undersized pillow and sleep soundly knowing that I'm doing the Lord's work and my riches are in heaven. Some of you scoff. Some of you shake your heads. Some of you can relate. Some of you hate me. Well, hate me now. Hate me now.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Aesop's Fables
If you have never listened to Aesop Rock then chances are you have been living under an a-hole rock. However, I am sure that there are some of you out there and this blog is for you, my sweet babies. There's not much to Aesop Rock, other than pure, raw talent and cocaine-level addicting beats with the addition of clever, intelligent rhymes. Also, did I mention raw talent? This dude has been making records for years and each one of them is worth your ear-holes' time in their own right. However, I would recommend starting with the Fast Cars, Danger, Fire and Knives EP. Admittedly, this EP came along midway through Aesop's career, and his early stuff kicks some major underground ass, but Fast Cars is where this humble listener feels a good hip-hop artist became great. He truly comes into his own and his flow is simply too good to ignore. After saturating yourself in Rock's tasty jams found on Fast Cars, proceed to any and all albums that suit your fancy or you happen across. Personally, None Shall Pass is a favorite. Bottom line, get some Aesop Rock inside your cranium via your auditory canal. Holler
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Hipster girls and Eric Clapton
First and foremost I would like to say that I fully understand that not a single soul is following me on this blog and that this lack of blog-flock will in no way keep me from posting, even if the posts are sporadic in date and subject. Consistency will have to come some other time.
That being said, shall we move on to the pressing issues of the day? I think so. First, Hipster Chicks. Love 'em. Hard. You should know that I am a one woman man and I have found that one woman. You should also know that I can still appreciate a beautiful woman with a great sense of style and a "Pre-Law-be-damned" mentality. Kansas City is a hub for twenty-somethings who spent their high-school days in the lowest level hell that is suburbia and then moved into the city (on their parents' dollar) and submerged themselves into predictable record shops, coffee houses much like the one I am currently sitting in, and a variety of vegan/vegetarian/middle-eastern/organic restaurants. Now, understanding that sentence length in no way serves to better a point, let's pick at this thought for a minute. I feel that everyone, some more so than others, is on their own existential journey. If you're not learning something new about yourself and your world everyday then you're probably not awake. And for some people, this journey leads them into this Ten-Speed/Skinny Jean subculture the same way other people end up wearing Docker's and working for Wyndham---gross. For a long time I felt that the hipster culture was a pretentious one. Because it is. However, I discovered that, because everyone is on their own journey and ever-changing life stages are inevitable, this hipster phase is probably the best case scenario. Why? Because girls look Cute-pocolypse in skinny jeans, pearls, scarves, Jackie O-esque hairstyles, and thick-rimmed glasses. Girls look Slut-a-tron in Uggs, sweatpants, sorority tanks, fake tans, and bleached hair with black roots. That's simple science. So, to sum up: twenty-five year olds dressed like Twiggy, smoking after church, driving Volvos, and living entirely off their daddy's check book while they "explore the poorer sides of the city and get in touch with their artistic sides" is justified by fashion and good looks.
Also, Clapton rules.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Misery is a Butterfly
"Anyone who cannot come to terms with his life while he is alive needs one hand to ward off a little his despair over his fate... but with his other hand he can note down what he sees among the ruins. " --Franz Kafka
Thursday, August 5, 2010
August Burns Red
Alright. Here's my question: How can so much be accomplished by people who know and understand so little? It's as though the entire world has scraped by with a well-constructed mask of credibility and everyone just assumes that people know what they're doing. I just assumed people knew what they were doing. They don't. The teller at the bank doesn't know anything about banking or finances or investments or anything relevant to her job. The construction workers don't have any idea what any of their equipment does, besides of course for destroy things. Musicians don't know theory. "Writers" don't know grammar. Realtors don't understand the market. Baristas don't know what espresso actually is. And Christians don't know what it means to be disciples. Unfortunately, the only one that is unavoidably crippling is the last one. If we expect the world to listen to us but we don't know what we're saying then we are simply fools begging for blind agreement from a crowd of skeptics who are once too many failed to throw trust around. We have failed. God have mercy on us for that. Take time to enlighten yourself. Please.
Friday, July 23, 2010
First Go
This is my first post. Please follow me. I will be posting hopefully everyday, but if not, close to everyday. I will let you know how I'm doing and what I'm up to. I will also have opportunities for you to communicate with me, support me, love me, despise me verbally, etc. etc.
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