"Christian, if thou wouldst know the path of duty, take God for thy compass; if thou wouldst steer thy ship through the dark billows, put the tiller into the hand of the Almighty. Many a rock might be escaped, if we would let our Father take the helm; many a shoal or quicksand we might well avoid, if we would leave to His sovereign will to choose and to command." --Spurgeon
If ever there were a time to heed Spurgeon's advice, it is the present. I do not base this assertion on the current state of the economy, though it is grim at best. Nor do I base it on the rising homeless population and the declining working population, though both are in fact rising and falling, respectively. There is nothing happening in the world that is any worse than the world our fathers' fathers knew. This statement would have been equally true one thousand years ago, one hundred years ago, and twenty years ago. If ever there were a time to relinquish control of your life (since any control you think you might have is a facade built out of denial anyway) and wholly and willingly surrender to the Father to guide and direct, it is the present. It is now. Will we ever be able to yield entirely to the Father? Is 100 a realistic percentage? It is difficult to say, but based on the fact that we are infants who revel in sin and binge in infidelities when it comes to our faith, no we cannot. Our selfish nature will inevitably regain control. So we must make it a daily practice to acknowledge the Lord as the only being who merits dominion over our lives. Perpetual surrender is the only way to survive every day.
this isn't related to your post (it's a good one though) but i thought you'd like to know i posted some of our mp3's under "day of mars" on my website.
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ReplyDeleteDude. I love this and I love you. I love watching God work in you and turning you into one of today's best young biblical scholars! All those days of you sitting in your room with the door shut and me on the other side will be worth it! It better be worth it! ha. Love you dude. keep it coming.
I think Spurgeon looks like Chris Weston with a righteous beard!