Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Thanks for Commenting!

I appreciate the comments. It's nice to know people actually read this, even if those people just so happen to be 8 of my close friends. It still counts. Sorry for the inactivity the past few days, I have been under the weather and have therefore been using said under-the-weatherness (?) as an excuse for doing as close to nothing as one man can do. I feel as though I am on the way out of said sickness so I am blogging in celebration. It's a balmy 10 degrees here in our nation's capital (that's Kansas City for those of you who didn't know) and I have included a video that reflects these wonderful and not at all miserable temperatures.


  1. Thank you for blogging. And for ice videos.

  2. i expected gumby's head or something... but it was still cool
