"If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever."
-Thomas Aquinas
It seems terribly cliche to make some statement about "living every day like it's your last" or "carpe diem." So I will not make either of those statements. However, if you are in a position where security and/or comfort is keeping you from getting off your ass and doing something, anything, then it may be time to heed some advice from a young man with an old man's regrets. Go live your life. Go live your life for the one who gave it to you. Twice. If knowing that a Father so loving as to give you both birth into this life and birth into new life through Jesus Christ is not enough for you to wake up in the morning and want to just eat the pants off of your breakfast, then I pray for your soul. Here's a cool video from The Antlers. Depressing as their music can be, I still find it beautiful. It no longer makes me want to wallow in my own depression. Instead it makes me appreciate the beauty found in the dark sides of life.