"Oh, how easy it is to exaggerate a virtue until it becomes a vice."
If you are so self-absorbed as to think that what you do is for anything other than the glory of the one who made you, then I shudder to think of what will happen when you are faced with the decision of hanging your hat. A seemingly small decision has the power to dismantle your entire eternity. You are not called to do just one thing in the name of the Father but all things and if you cannot acknowledge your talent as a gift from Him, for Him, then you will tie your shoe for the enemy before you bless the Lord with you virtues. How can you explain your accomplishment by any other means then blessing? Are you so bold as to claim ownership over your success? Do you not realize your own insignificance? From ashes you came and into ashes you will return. Keep your flowery words and keep your neon arrows. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away and if you don't tremble at His name then you will never tremble at His power. From ashes you came and into ashes you will return.
i love lent