Just a couple of things to mention today. (1) There is no 'I' in team and there is no 'I' in Homer's Coffee House, but there is an 'I' in Cyndi and it turns out girls do just want to have fun. (2) There is no one on staff at a certain bank in a certain town who has any sort of authority or control and so you should never ask them to do anything for you because, what a shame, they cannot help you. Apparently it is a strict policy at this bank to assign job titles, desks, and name tags to a mass of people who get paid (with benefits) to answer phones and sweetly "assist" customers in getting no results. I'm not sure where the 'service' part of 'customer service' does play out, but I am sure of where it does not. On behalf of loyal bank customers who have been shelling their money into an institution for almost a decade and in return have received nothing but a metaphorical hammer to the checking-account-testicles, I would like to say, "Thank you, OMB. Thank you. Your indifference towards loyalty and your ignorance in the fields of both banking and customer service are greatly appreciated. My nuts thank you as well. Hopefully I can return the favor someday."
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