There are times in every man's life when all the elements, all the variables, all the possibilities, line up perfectly. There are plenty of "almosts" but there are few moments that contain an incomparable balance. These moments don't have to be complicated or even impressive in nature. They are simply composed in a way that resonates. They are different for every man. For some it's the taste of Chimay combined with a lazy Sunday evening, sprinkled with cigarettes and fellowship, and drenched in the music of Neil Young. For others it's waking before the sun, running five miles, Jay-Z's Black Album pumping through an iPod, and the sunrise peaking over right as 99 Problems kicks through the headphones. For me, it could be either. It could be neither. The mood has to to meet the circumstance and the circumstance has to meet the day. There are a million things to soil the makings of a perfect moment. As cliche as it may be, those moments only come around so often and should be cherished and enjoyed. Hopefully, seeing Ernest H. up there will help spawn a good day/night for you all.
He did. And he does.