Monday, August 15, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Asian Winehouse
Taphephobia - the fear of being buried alive.
He has broken my teeth with gravel;
he has trampeled me in the dust.
I have been deprived of peace;
I have forgotten what prosperity is.
-Lamentations 3:16-17
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Full Time. Wednesday.
You Want to Put What Where?!

If you have any sort of income and you are not giving at least ten percent to the Lord your provider, then let me pass on a little nugget to mull over:
"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me..."
-Malachi 3:8
The Lord requires your first and your best. It is as simple as it sounds. Do you trust the Lord your God to provide for you? Do you trust His words when He says that you will be taken care of? Or do you claim faith with your mouth and then preach control with your actions? The Lord says, "Test me on this, and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it." [Malachi 3:10]
So I ask you, are you putting your first and your best in the hands of the Lord or in your own pocket? Are you putting you first fruits under the care and provision of God your provider or are you putting it under your own care and trust? Figure out where to put it.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Full Time. Monday.

Picture Me Rolling
I am the first to admit that I am guilty of forgetting a various many things throughout my daily life. I forget appointments. I forget birthdays. I forget anything that is not written out with specific instruction and pinned to my lapel. I am the proverbial school-boy who cannot be trusted with any sort of responsibility so the instructor is forced to call my mom/dad/fiance/caretaker to ensure that the required task will be somehow completed and hopefully near to the deadline. However, I will also be the first to hold others accountable for their forgetfulness. Let me clarify that I do not mean to say that I hold grudges over forgotten obligations or berate over unavoidable shortcomings. I simply mean to say that, as followers of a sovereign savior, we are called to remember, acknowledge, and profess the salvation we know and the process that unfolded to lead up to said salvation. Jesus' own disciples were confused at the resurrection of Jesus. His own people had forgotten that He must die and then rise. What and how much do you forget? Paul asserts that we must pay careful attention to the beautiful, unparalleled miracle that is our atonement so that we do not fade away. So, you are given a choice: Shape the frick up and focus or fade away.
Here's a user-made video for an awesome Cloud Cult song:
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Whackity Schmackity

What can I say, gang? It has been a turbulent turbulent last couple of weeks. Things are getting pretty hectic but I, much like Reba, am a survivor. In times of high stress and low relaxation, I tend to turn to a couple of things for comfort. (1) Scripture. There is no doubt that the written Word of the Lord is a living Word and has power beyond our human understanding. My refuge is in Him and His Word. (2) Explosions in the Sky. Something about their music just makes my heart fill to the brim with warm-fuzzies and cuddly bumps. Quick side note, I won't be going to see them in concert on Sunday night. I'm over it. (3) Taco Bell. Say what you will, that messy, grade-c food just makes my taste buds erupt with border-line-unhealthy pleasure. (4) [see below]
about 2 1/2 minutes in things get a little Matrixy
Monday, April 4, 2011
Adam Haddick

Every now and then one comes across something, a song, or a movie, or a restaurant, etc., that just seems like it was created for a specific person. I do not mean a specific group of people. I mean a specific person. For example, a Belgian girls' choir cover of a Radiohead song set to a creepy stop-motion video was obviously created for Phil Sapp. Specifically. A zombie movie spoof starring Woody Harrelson, featuring a cameo appearance by Bill Murray, backed by a surprisingly indie soundtrack, was created for me and me alone. There is no disputing that. In that same vein, the video featured below is that of someone constructing a Lego ship in a bottle set to a Donovan song. Clearly, this video exists for Adam Haddick. Adam, if you're out there, please enjoy this little treat.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

"If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever."
-Thomas Aquinas
It seems terribly cliche to make some statement about "living every day like it's your last" or "carpe diem." So I will not make either of those statements. However, if you are in a position where security and/or comfort is keeping you from getting off your ass and doing something, anything, then it may be time to heed some advice from a young man with an old man's regrets. Go live your life. Go live your life for the one who gave it to you. Twice. If knowing that a Father so loving as to give you both birth into this life and birth into new life through Jesus Christ is not enough for you to wake up in the morning and want to just eat the pants off of your breakfast, then I pray for your soul. Here's a cool video from The Antlers. Depressing as their music can be, I still find it beautiful. It no longer makes me want to wallow in my own depression. Instead it makes me appreciate the beauty found in the dark sides of life.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Classically Trained
Monday, March 28, 2011
It's A Pleasure

Sometimes there's just a band that makes sense. When I first stumbled across Sea Wolf, an Alex Brown Church project, I did not find it to be a band that would fall under that category. I have since been proven the fickle nature of first-impressions. The tunes are catchy without being kitschy pop. The lyrics are deep without being pretentious. And the vocals are uniquely warbled without being Conor "I'm perpetually misunderstood" Oberst. It also doesn't hurt that Alex looks like the lovechild of Patrick Fugit and Beck. Sea Wolf brings great elements of folk and singer/songwriter but uses them more for constructing a skeletal structure for a movement of beautifully composed songs backed by driving drums. Personally, I find Sea Wolf's music to be both inspiring and reassuring. Here is a cool video for the song "Wicked Blood." And yes, that is Shannon Sossamon. Devour and enjoy.
Saturday, March 26, 2011

"The love of Christ in its sweetness, its fulness, its greatness, its faithfulness, passeth all human comprehension. Where shall language be found which shall describe His matchless, His unparalleled love towards the children of men? It is so vast and boundless that, as the swallow but skimmeth the water, and diveth not into its depths, so all descriptive words but touch the surface, while depths immeasurable lie beneath."
The unenlightened man can read this and assume that he stands as the exception. The man touched by the Spirit can read this and know that the word 'immeasurable' seems inadequate. No man can understand the complexities of a God who reigns in the realms of infinite. No man can look to the heavens and say that he has explained the mysteries of a Lord existing outside of time, space, or containment. Any man who dares to challenge the supremacy of God by claiming that he can even begin to fathom all the wonder that is God must be met with rebuke. He must be met with Scripture. He must be met with the heart and mind of Christ. The only understanding we achieve is a blessing of discernment from the Spirit. Any comprehension we obtain is by no means of our own. Furthermore, reducing God into a simple being so that we can understand Him is heretical idolatry and demands repentance.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sweet Baby James

In the 4th chapter of the book James, the author explains in the most coherent detail what is actually wrong with many members of Christ's church and what one can do to fix it. It doesn't get any better than that. Here's what's wrong and here's how to make it better. Boom. Boom. According to James, we are self-absorbed children with false senses of entitlement and until we acknowledge that the Lord is all we need and knows more than we, our immature, adulterous (that's right, you're cheating on Christ. hard) behavior will continue. James calls us to submit to the Lord and then he challenges us to commit to the Lord. The early church (and us as well) is given a two step formula to receive the blessings of the Lord. 2 steps. Granted, they are the two hardest steps a man may have to take but also, they are the easiest once we understand the implications and rewards. You are given a choice. Either (A) be a rebellious child who complains about what he doesn't have but insists that he will get it on his own somehow and therefore gets nothing [insert clever remark about 22 catches] or (B) humble yourself before the Lord and receive the desires of your heart when you truly ask for them in the name of Christ [insert clever remark about how human beings are the biggest piles of self-absorbed crap the universe has ever known]. The choice is obvious. Yet it comes with a challenge. So you've made the choice to humble yourselves before the Lord because, as James' quote from Proverbs reminds us, the Lord opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble. Great. You got that one right. However, there is a challenge that follows. You have to submit to the Lord and you have to commit to the Lord. Up. Down. Left. Right. A. B. Start. Select. For the win.
Here's something for your eyes and ears.
American Gothic
Friday, March 18, 2011
Weird Folks Doing Weird Folk

If you are unfamiliar with the band Castanets, do not fret. Do not fear. Do not panic. Castanets is a musical project from the twisted mind of San Diego native Raymond Raposa. He now resides in the Seattle area and is a main contributer to the new wave of dark/gothic folk music scene that has grown in said area. If you enjoy Gothic Americana music (i.e. 16 Horsepower, Okkervil River, Decemberists (ish), etc.), then you will absolutely devour the deliciously dark tracks that Castanets deliver to your ear pits. Look them up. Look him up. Look you up. Below is a video of Castanets' Take Away Show, courtesy of blogotheque.net. If you enjoy this then you should comment. If you do not enjoy this then chances are we weren't that close anyhow.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Day. Vet. Sea. Deal. Low.

David Cedillo, Jr. You may think you have heard of him. You may think you have seen him. But you haven't. He wears many faces and owns many aliases. D-Bird. Captain C. The Captain. The Thunderball Phantom. Only a handful of people have ever actually seen this international man of mystery. If you see this face, alert the authorities as he is considered extremely dangerous. Double dangerous. For more information go to davidcedillo.com.
Monday, March 14, 2011
No One Said It Would Be Easy

"You must submit to supreme suffering in order to discover the completion of joy."
-John Calvin
It has been said that he who increases wisdom increases sorrow. It has also been said that a man well-versed in suffering is a man clothed in great wisdom. Bottom line: this world will bring you pains that no amount of preparation can soften and no amount of pity can expedite the healing thereof. No man is exempt. Christ did not die so that those who believe in him could achieve immunity to pain. Salvation makes us no more impervious to the trials of this world than it makes us purple and ten feet tall. We are not called to be giants. We are called to drop our nets and follow Christ. We are called to drop our worldly aspirations and submit. We are called to suffer and trust that the fortification of our hearts and minds through the Holy Spirit will allow us to endure. No one said it would be easy.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Girls Choir + Music You Know = Things You'll Enjoy
For those of you who don't already know Scala & Kolacny Brothers, they are a Belgian girls choir directed by Stijn Kolacny and accompanied by Steven Kolacny on Piano. They have put out over a half-dozen albums of mostly pop covers. This is their version of "Creep" by Radiohead set to a video that will make you hate/love all things dolls, stop-motion, British, plastic, and/or Belgian. Please enjoy on this melancholy Thursday afternoon.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Ash Wednesday

"Oh, how easy it is to exaggerate a virtue until it becomes a vice."
If you are so self-absorbed as to think that what you do is for anything other than the glory of the one who made you, then I shudder to think of what will happen when you are faced with the decision of hanging your hat. A seemingly small decision has the power to dismantle your entire eternity. You are not called to do just one thing in the name of the Father but all things and if you cannot acknowledge your talent as a gift from Him, for Him, then you will tie your shoe for the enemy before you bless the Lord with you virtues. How can you explain your accomplishment by any other means then blessing? Are you so bold as to claim ownership over your success? Do you not realize your own insignificance? From ashes you came and into ashes you will return. Keep your flowery words and keep your neon arrows. The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away and if you don't tremble at His name then you will never tremble at His power. From ashes you came and into ashes you will return.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
Holy Calamity
"Has this world been so kind to you that you should leave with regret? There are better things ahead than any we leave behind."
-C.S. Lewis
It is safe to say that if not for the Holy Spirit in my life, I would be nothing more than a decrepit shell; a hollow box whose purpose was lost with its contents, and forgotten as swiftly as it's structure dilapidates. The only purpose I have is in the Lord. The only validity I can claim is through atonement. It is not merely vindication that blood has brought me, but authentication to go and live a vindicated life. There are days when the money is stacked no higher than the rubbers of my shoes. There are days that hold nothing more than reminders of bills and decisions masked with feigned importance, tricking me into thinking I should sacrifice sleep in exchange for worrying them away. There are days that I look at Job and envy his disposition. There are days that are simply emotive for no reason. Regardless of what these days hold, I still find joy in repentance. I may not be happy every day but I am nonetheless joyful. Rest in peace Bob. You were a wonderful man who a handful of us had the pleasure of knowing. You will be missed. You will not be forgotten. And you are most certainly still loved.
Robert Bigoness, 1929 - 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
There's not much I can say about this video that it doesn't say for itself. Nick Bertke, otherwise known as Pogo, has an unmatched talent in the realm of mixing sound bites and compositions. There are many who attempt to duplicate the caliber of production that Nick spawns but there are none who succeed...at least not in my book. If you are a fan of ambient music and/or classic Disney films, then pop open a bottle of wine and put on your jam jams, it's going to be a long night of swimming through post-work, musical bliss-water. Follow these links for information on how to remove your mind from your skull via blowing technique. Enjoy.
Monday, February 21, 2011
It's been a week.
Mark then, Christian, Jesus does not suffer so as to exclude your suffering. He bears
a cross, not that you may escape it, but that you may endure it. Christ exempts you
from sin, but not from sorrow. Remember that, and expect to suffer.
That being said, here's a video that is neat.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Hump Day

"Christian, if thou wouldst know the path of duty, take God for thy compass; if thou wouldst steer thy ship through the dark billows, put the tiller into the hand of the Almighty. Many a rock might be escaped, if we would let our Father take the helm; many a shoal or quicksand we might well avoid, if we would leave to His sovereign will to choose and to command." --Spurgeon
If ever there were a time to heed Spurgeon's advice, it is the present. I do not base this assertion on the current state of the economy, though it is grim at best. Nor do I base it on the rising homeless population and the declining working population, though both are in fact rising and falling, respectively. There is nothing happening in the world that is any worse than the world our fathers' fathers knew. This statement would have been equally true one thousand years ago, one hundred years ago, and twenty years ago. If ever there were a time to relinquish control of your life (since any control you think you might have is a facade built out of denial anyway) and wholly and willingly surrender to the Father to guide and direct, it is the present. It is now. Will we ever be able to yield entirely to the Father? Is 100 a realistic percentage? It is difficult to say, but based on the fact that we are infants who revel in sin and binge in infidelities when it comes to our faith, no we cannot. Our selfish nature will inevitably regain control. So we must make it a daily practice to acknowledge the Lord as the only being who merits dominion over our lives. Perpetual surrender is the only way to survive every day.
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Thanks for Commenting!
I appreciate the comments. It's nice to know people actually read this, even if those people just so happen to be 8 of my close friends. It still counts. Sorry for the inactivity the past few days, I have been under the weather and have therefore been using said under-the-weatherness (?) as an excuse for doing as close to nothing as one man can do. I feel as though I am on the way out of said sickness so I am blogging in celebration. It's a balmy 10 degrees here in our nation's capital (that's Kansas City for those of you who didn't know) and I have included a video that reflects these wonderful and not at all miserable temperatures.
GTLK from Andrey Muratov on Vimeo.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Bustin Free Bird
453, 474, 029. That's how many views the video for Justin Bieber's "Baby" has. Coincidentally, that is also the number of times my gag reflex triggered both when I found that out and when I attempted to watch that video. The upside is that I have discovered a new game. It's called, "How long can I endure 'Baby' before my eyes start to bleed bile?" So far, my record is 0.03 seconds. Think you can beat it? Feel free to try and then post your scores in the comment section. In an attempt to counter-balance the tumorous, anti-intellectual pile of tween-boppy cancer that is destroying America, I have included a video of Craig D'Andrea. Enjoy.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Back in the Saddle
Theater in KC screening Lemmy this weekend: http://www.screenland.com/index.html
Friday, January 28, 2011
Fridays are for Fret Boards
Nothing makes me happier than when a great, young artist covers a great artist of influence. For those of you who don't know Paul Simon: kindly exit this page and never return. Find yourself a nice, simple woman and settle down. Raise kids and live every day as though this one never happened. For those of you who don't know The Tallest Man on Earth: For those of you who don't know Yellow Ostrich: that is not all too surprising. Alex Schaaf is a young man who produces mostly covers. His music is raw and stripped down while still maintaining the integrity of the song/artist he is covering. Attached are two songs. The first is The Tallest Man on Earth covering Paul Simon's "Graceland" and the second is Yellow Ostrich's cover of The Tallest Man on Earth's "King of Spain." Devour.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Island of Fang (and other reasons to own headphones)
There's not a self-respecting music nerd in the country who doesn't know Explosions In the Sky. All it takes is ten minutes on any instrumental Pandora station, one episode of Friday Night Lights, or generally having a pulse and an ability to go beyond the radio. However, and this is difficult for me to admit, no amount of popularity or recognition could possibly change that fact that these guys are just cool. Bottom line, they are the best at what they do. If post-rock instrumental is what you're into, then Explosions In the Sky is what you're into. Personally, my favorite album is 2003's The Earth is Not a Cold Dead Place, but I guarantee that you won't be disappointed in any one of their albums. Going one step further, there are some bands who's sound is flowing through the same soaring, technical, dreamy vein. These bands are worth their salt and your listen. Scale the Summit is a young-gun band with incredible chops and creativity. These guys formed in L.A. and then moved to Texas (perhaps in pursuit of EITS's secret) and recorded what can only be described as virtuoso meets post-rock dipped in quixotic butter. Check out "The Great Plains" on the album Carving Desert Canyons. You will find no disappointment. Instead you will find the discovery of that sound that you always wished your band in college sounded like but could never place your finger on. Another band that merits your iPod space is Fang Island. This band is possibly the most refreshing thing in music in the last few years. Their 2010, self-titled release is 10 tracks of unbridled joy and exploration. The album is mostly instrumentals but there are some chanting, soaring vocals laid over a few tracks that prove once-and-for-all that vocals over three guitars is not only possible, but just plain kick-ass. These guys are young, progressive, and masters of their craft. Highlights on the album are "Careful Crossers," "Daisy," and "Davy Crockett." I've included links. Enjoy.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Fridays are for Frying Pans

There are times in every man's life when all the elements, all the variables, all the possibilities, line up perfectly. There are plenty of "almosts" but there are few moments that contain an incomparable balance. These moments don't have to be complicated or even impressive in nature. They are simply composed in a way that resonates. They are different for every man. For some it's the taste of Chimay combined with a lazy Sunday evening, sprinkled with cigarettes and fellowship, and drenched in the music of Neil Young. For others it's waking before the sun, running five miles, Jay-Z's Black Album pumping through an iPod, and the sunrise peaking over right as 99 Problems kicks through the headphones. For me, it could be either. It could be neither. The mood has to to meet the circumstance and the circumstance has to meet the day. There are a million things to soil the makings of a perfect moment. As cliche as it may be, those moments only come around so often and should be cherished and enjoyed. Hopefully, seeing Ernest H. up there will help spawn a good day/night for you all.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Abby's Neck
I'm drinking Earl Grey tea and listening to Son Volt and trying to pretend that the health/well-being of an animal doesn't effect my mood. I'm not doing a very good job, I think. To lighten the mood I've attached this video. If you don't know Son Volt, you should. When Uncle Tupelo broke up in 1994, Jeff Tweedy formed Wilco and Jay Farrar formed Son Volt. Enjoy.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Townes Van Zandt

Hello, internet world. It's a peculiar Monday afternoon. It's grey outside and there is both rain and snow saturating the world today. It may not be April, but January is still fairly cruel in nature. It's difficult for a boy-who-can-shave such as myself to break the melancholy mood that naturally forms when the sky is faded and Townes Van Zandt is playing in my ears. Just a force of habit, I suppose. Aside from the unjustified somberness of today, life is just about as good as it can be. I've got a savior who saves. That's huge. I've got a fiancée who is way out of my league. That's just cool. My family is well. My friends are happy in poverty. No complaints. No complaints at all.
If you're looking for a Chevrolet way of filling your ears, listen to the song attached to this post. Also, question of the day: Should I sell my Honda and buy 1963 GMC pickup and keep the difference for other expenses? I would say yes. My lady would say yes. Would you say yes? Comment and let me know.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Paint for people, not hippies.
Behold, a beautiful video of paint being flung in the air set to music. It is simply just that. Please appreciate this in a 'wow, that's really cool and well-crafted/I wish I had thought of that/the internet has some cool sh**' sort of way and not in a 'no way, man, I think I'm having an acid flashback/yeah, but you need to check out this VHS I have of Grateful Dead playing in Poland/man, I wish Phish would get back together/tie-dye' way. Thank you. Now, devour.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Grand Archives

Dear Bloggers, if you don't already know the band Grand Archives then it is about time that you do. These guys are an incredible indie/folk rock band from Seattle, WA and have been my obsession for the last couple of days. I have included a link to one of their songs with this blog. Do yourself the biggest favor and listen to them. Personally, I have spent most of my listening energy on their self-titled album released in 2008. You may know the vocalist/genius behind the band, Mat Brooke, from Band of Horses. Apparently he decided that B o H was not his main focus and that an endeavor of his own was necessary. This birthed GA. Thank goodness for that. Open up your ear holes. Widen your minds. Close your doors. Turn out the lights. Enjoy.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Cyndi Lauper and OMB

Just a couple of things to mention today. (1) There is no 'I' in team and there is no 'I' in Homer's Coffee House, but there is an 'I' in Cyndi and it turns out girls do just want to have fun. (2) There is no one on staff at a certain bank in a certain town who has any sort of authority or control and so you should never ask them to do anything for you because, what a shame, they cannot help you. Apparently it is a strict policy at this bank to assign job titles, desks, and name tags to a mass of people who get paid (with benefits) to answer phones and sweetly "assist" customers in getting no results. I'm not sure where the 'service' part of 'customer service' does play out, but I am sure of where it does not. On behalf of loyal bank customers who have been shelling their money into an institution for almost a decade and in return have received nothing but a metaphorical hammer to the checking-account-testicles, I would like to say, "Thank you, OMB. Thank you. Your indifference towards loyalty and your ignorance in the fields of both banking and customer service are greatly appreciated. My nuts thank you as well. Hopefully I can return the favor someday."
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